Commission info

Commission Status:


Commission Prices


Terms of service

By commissioning me you are
agreeing to the following:

✧ I am allowed to reject a commission.
✧ I work on a "first come, first serve" basis
✧ If your want to order a nsfw commission from me YOU MUST confirm your age In some way.
✧ Depending on the complexity of your commissions you can expect it to be done within 2 to 3 months. If your commission is more simple meaning it has no extra characters, no complex background, etc you can expect your commission to take 2-3 weeks or a month.
✧ I am a very busy person outside of art so I do work a bit slow, but I will of course prioritize commission work over my own.
✧ If you order a lineart commission you are welcome to color it yourself as long as you credit me for the lineart.
✧Please have a full colored reference of your character for me to go by.
✧Please provide me with details on how you want your commission to looks/what you want your character to be doing! Details like the pose, the background details, etc! It helps a lot if you provide me with pose reference an stuff like that.
✧ Please State if you want a complex background! Otherwise you will get a simple background.
✧ During the sketch process of your commission I will talk with you, on if there is anything you’d like to change, once you give me the “ok” to continue I will not be going back to change anything.
✧ You will be paying me the full price upfront.
✧ I don't do refunds.
✧ During the process I will keep you updated on how your commission is coming along, providing screenshots.
✧ If you pay with PayPal you will be sent an Invoice through Paypal with your commission info in it! If you pay with Cashapp you will have to send me the money yourself!
✧ Tips are appreciated.
✧ I only accept Paypal and Cashapp (USD)!
✧ Once the commission is finished I will ask you if I can post it, however you can deny this.
✧ You're not allowed to make any profit from my art. Anything else you want to do with it is okay.
✧ Everytime you use my art you must credit me for the original piece.
✧ Once the art is finished I will send you a Google Drive link to the full resolution piece to ensure that the quality of the drawing stays the same! Since sending the pieces thorough discord or Instagram/ Twitter DMs tend to mess up the quality.


Will do + Won't do

What i will + won't do when it comes to a commission!

Will do

  • Humans/ Humanoids.

  • Furries.

  • Monsters.

  • OC's.

  • NSFW

  • Armor(depending on complexity).

  • Mecha(depending on complexity).

  • Mild Blood/ Gore.

  • Real people.

  • Ships.

  • Fanart.

Won't do

  • Fetish art.

  • Anything that I think is problematic in anyway.

  • Anything offensive.

  • Heavy gore.


Queue + Waiting List

Current commissions in the works

  • Abbidon on Discord | full shade fullbody | lineart faze

  • CallmeKasu on Insta | flat color fullbody | sketching faze

  • Nick on Discord | Ref Sheet | working on Character outfits
